Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Purging & Preserving

Since we moved back from Germany, we have been clearing out a lot of our belongings. Not seeing most of our possessions for an entire year really gave us the mental distance that we needed to purge a lot of unnecessary items. Each week, I have been trying to sell or donate at least one item, even if it's just a shirt or a book. We still have a lot of stuff, but now much more of it is things we use or love.

Some of the most difficult things for me to get rid of are items with memories attached. After we got back and unpacked the storage unit, I was finally able to recycle my college notes and materials that weren't relevant to my current work. There were a few gems, though, that I wanted to preserve even if I didn't keep a physical copy. So I have been slowly scanning the pages of old essays, notes, and materials that I think we may want to look at again.

By far my favorite of these are page from my Field Biology class at Cornell. I took this course with Charlie Smith my first semester in Ithaca, and (even though it was a difficult course) it's still one of my favorites. First, because it's where I learned about GIS and, second, because I learned so much about the natural world. Almost twelve years later, I don't remember a lot of the scientific names or species identification that we had to memorize (excepting the more fabulous names, such as Liriodendron tulipifera, the tulip tree, or the fact that the new branches of black birch taste like root beer), but the pages from our weekly species identification expeditions bring back such wonderful memories...

Many days we would all troop outside and use the two hour class for an extended nature walk. Our instructor would stop and talk about a particular tree or bird or insect, and we would look in our field guides and take notes about useful ways to remember a particular species. (Still with me today: Ash trees often can be identified by their paddle-shaped seeds, which we remembered with the phrase, "paddle your ash".)

When possible, I would pick a leaf or branch, label it with my waterproof field pen, and press the leaf between the pages of my field guide. By the end of the class, I had a study guide of the trees on our campus, which today I appreciate as much for its beauty as for its utility.

Friday, February 20, 2015

A Record-breaking Winter

Starting with a blizzard in late January, we have gotten the most snow in a 30-day period on record -- over 70 inches so far! While the blizzard of '78 dropped more snow in one storm (and was much more destructive than the storms we've experienced this year), we have gotten more snow in total over the past few weeks. In the storm on Sunday, we got another 15" in Somerville!
digging out in 1978 (via The Boston Globe)
pre-digging out in 2015
This has resulted in 3 snow days so far, and a couple days of telecommuting to avoid the snowy roads. There has been a lot of hot chocolate-fueled shoveling as well!
only pedestrians were on the road near Davis Square, walking or skiing, after the 1st blizzard
Although it's been inconvenient in some ways, J and I really love snow and we have been soaking up this spectacular winter. Both Sam and Nora are loving it, too. It's one of the reasons we chose to live in New England!
sledding (at work!)
hard core sledding in NH
snow makes her frisky and fashion forward