Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Word of the Week: Martinszug

This evening as I was getting ready for a class, I heard children singing outside. It's a bit early for caroling, so I looked out the balcony, thinking that it was probably coming from the music school behind our apartment. Instead, I saw hundreds of bobbing lights in the next street over, and heard trumpets, tubas, and drums accompanying kids singing. So I naturally had to check it out!
Turns out that it was a neighborhood parade (Zug) to celebrate the catholic holiday of the feast of St. Martin (Martinstag), which I mentioned last month when the Weckmann appeared in bakeries. Groups of kids had special, and often very creative, homemade lanterns, each lit with clever wands with hanging LED lights. It was so fun! I could tell the kids were having a blast, too, despite the cold evening and mist. There have been parades all over the city, including a big one from the Dom to Groß St. Martin--skip to the end of the video to hear some of the songs :)
there were about 500 kids in the parade, with 4 bands spaced throughout to lead the songs -- so fun!

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