Sunday, November 2, 2008

Forays into the Great Outdoors

After a few bad days, Sam has really enjoyed exploring the Outside this weekend.
I gave up and let Nora join us, and she thought it was the best thing ever to have everybody outside together.

Walking a cat versus walking a dog is like going for a rambling, leisurely stroll when you're used to running sprints. Nora was a good sport, though, and waited patiently while Sam sniffed, rolled in the grass, and attacked her leash.

Jeremy and I are both procrastinating doing work, so we took some videos, too. Even if you don't make it through them both, keep watching the first one to see how happy Nora was to be outside with us.

1 comment:

Mom L said...

This is very fun! Almost like driving across town for a little visit with your family! Love you!